Friday, October 17, 2014

welcoming the new year 2015 - LOTS OF HOPE

The new year always brings a euphoria to me. Be it the gloss of newly printed calendars hung around the house waiting to be torn of their dates everyday.They are a subtle reminder that a moment will never be ours again.
There is the much anticipated calls and messages waiting to be sent and received from all loved ones.i always used to look forward to a new set of holidays and will count the festivals that fall on weekdays .
Now i am all grown up  i  sense a loss in Excitement of a  new year.It hasn't failed to stir an anticipation from me but it falls short of what i experienced from child hood. 
As i grow up a year coming to an end makes me look back and value what moments i have lost and moments to cherish.It is a painful reminder that i can never relive my childhood again and its time for me to grow up and embrace the woman in me. 

I am looking forward to a year which will bring tears of joy,everlasting smiles even through hardships,for now memories re the only ones i leave behind for 2014 to hold to

Monday, June 23, 2014

Thrills of a new place: 

I left behind my beloved hometown with a heavy  heart but with high hopes and with my soulmate.
The travel to this city had its Up's and Down's .My favourite moment  was  when we were served idly,sambar on british airways,but with heavy aroma of the air hostess perfume,well to remember they had painted their face with heavy makeup making me wonder how many tissues is needed to wipe them off,A whole box of kleenex? :)

Well it was a very boring one as the persons on either side  of me where keen on sleeping their time off.i on the other hand couldnt resist fiddling  with the headphones and the videos on the screen ,i wish they gave good headphones :( . well then it was time to get down at heathrow airport and it was freezing, and there started the drama and frenzy , we thought we had enough time to board the flight to dallas and we thought we had ample time to make it . so there started calls to india ,restroom breaks until we relealised we were LATE!!! yes , we had only 25 more mins to board the plane and we had to find the place and we had to join the line for customs , well as usual i had stashed many items in my handbag and the officers were annoouncing to display everthing liquid in a ziplock bag ,what cn i display my hair cream,lotion  or endless medicine bottles ...we started panicking and the air hostess was kind enough to make us jump the line . we rushed through jacket and shoe searching and when the coloured medecine bottles were re examined we told them u can have them we need to catch the flight but the officer returned it to us and we ran to our boarding place in turn to find that we have to walk a long distance to catch the flight ...

Finally we caught the flight to dallas, and it was a four seater of all worries .as i was reminiscing about the delicious sambar idly combo we were offered 'pasta ' no offence to pasta lovers but noodles like things glued with each other with voluminous amount of cheese is not my thing . so we drank loads of cranberry juice.And the man next to me got a bleeding nose i offered him a tissue and was horrified at how casual he is .well the most irritating part of this flight was that we had to ask the persons next to us to move so that we can walk down the aisle.finally we got down at dallas and there began the customs check for SLC.

well it was a bitter experience for me since the lady checking my bag threw my hair mask which i had wanted to open only at SLC :( and  she threw out my favourite toothpaste "pepsodent " . i miss it even now .well it spoiled my mood for the next flight and i have to say  that all these frenzy had drained all my energy and i was knocked out for 2 hours and when the wheels touched the runway we were jolted and then i realised we had arrived to the city i was looking forward to . it was freezing to the core for a chennaite like me .
well we took a cab and it was 60$ arrievd at our hotel and to find a friend waiting for us with gorceries and homemade idly ,molagapodi and onion chutney was heavenly and still thank the person for the food .well i was reunited with my idly .

Adios Amigos